I added a backup camera and it does not work

Added a backup camera and it does not work? Find the symptoms below for the fix!

Screen does not change when shifting into reverse at all

  • This typically indicates that the screen is not programmed for a backup camera. You will need one of our flash programmers in order to enable the backup camera function on compatible screens.

Screen changes to a blank black screen, blue screen or shows an error message

  • When adding a backup camera to any factory Ford screen, it is important to power the camera from an ignition switched source (a power source that is on when the car is on, and off when the car is off). Using the reverse lamp will not work in most cases as Ford's touchscreens require a valid video signal BEFORE the screen is told that the vehicle has switched to reverse. The small delay when the camera is wired to a reverse light will cause this issue.
  • If the power source is correct, then there is either a week or no video signal present at the screen. Grab a small tv that can be powered from an extension cord in the vehicle and test that the video output is working any time the vehicle ignition is on.
  • Reseat all connectors, use di-electric grease inside connectors on the outside of the vehicle to prevent corrosion.
